Sunday, January 9, 2011

perfection...or imperfection?

"the only nice thing about being imperfect is the joy it brings to others" - Doug Larson

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Time flies when you're....

one of the best things about the holidays is all the time you have. you think you have so much time that you can catch up on tv shows you've missed, or read that book you bought ages ago, or lay restlessly in the sun at the beach, or even lose some of the kgs you've gained over the months. i had my little 'to-do' list for these holidays and all of the items mentioned above featured highly on my list.

i've only recently and i do mean very recently, realised how very much i needed to tend to this list. if only my situation was just the 'pants' situation.

oh wells, there's always Easter.....!

Peace out xx

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wedding Entrance

This vid has been out for a while, but it just simply makes me smile.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

bangs gone wrong

finding a hairdresser is not that hard. almost every shopping center has a salon and you can take your pick at the hairdressers. finding a GOOD hairdresser that gels with thats hard to find, as i discovered this past weekend. ive had to part ways with my current hairdresser as it seems a two hour flight for a hair cut proves to be a bit too much.
ima not a fussy girl, though there may be others who will argue that but this weekend i was set. i went in and i had a style that i wanted to walk out with (pictured right). simple...or so i thought. the hairdresser and i chatted well. we got on like a house on fire. despite the chummy-ness, its safe to say that i lost this battle. people will now be able to spot me from a 100m distance. i will be known as the girl wearing the paper bag over her head or more specifically...the girl with the 'bangs gone wrong' !

Tuesday, August 5, 2008 rice

so i came across this pretty interesting website. it has this great concept in which they donate rice for every english vocab related question you answer correctly. a correct answer is worth 20 grains of rice which i know doesn't sound like a lot but its a great method to help donate without having to do so monetarily. so check out freerice and donate away!

Monday, August 4, 2008


ikea is one of my most favourite places to shop. since ive moved the closest one to me is over an hour away so when i go, i literally shop till my lil hatchback of a car drops. i recently bought this coffee table and assembled it all on my lonesome. i have exactly 14 screws left over. im no mathematician but ima GUESSING thats 14 screws too many. Despite all of that, the coffee table proves to be stable enough to hold dust but it cannot be moved as the bottom half will fully detach and the insides of the drawers are mismatched.
I guess at the end of the day it does match my colour theme...and more importantly it does what its suppose to do, sits pretty in my living room!

creative kia

you've got to hand it to Kia for coming up with creative advertisements. last year whilst travelling in the US of A, i came across this ad that just made me laugh..."do you want me to drive man?"